Hello World

- 2 mins read

Hello World!

Welcome to my world of low-level programming, Linux, and system software!

A Recent Switch to Fedora

After using Arch Linux for quite some time, I made the switch to Fedora after the release of Fedora 41. I wanted a stable yet cutting-edge distribution that aligned with my needs for a more streamlined Linux experience.

  • Why Fedora? I appreciated Fedora’s focus on open-source software and its cutting-edge approach with a more stable release cycle compared to Arch.

My Desktop Environment: KDE + Tiling

On my new setup, I’m running KDE Plasma with tiling, which is an important change for me. I enjoy the sleek look and flexibility of KDE, but I’m still adjusting to the tiling functionality. Specifically, I’m not entirely happy with KWin’s tiling script (Krohnkite). It works well, but it’s not as smooth and seamless as I’d like.